Gastric Bypass Surgery - What It IS and What It Is NOT

Over the years, gastric bypass surgery has rallied up quite the bad rap; rightfully so. When they first started doing gastric bypass many patients years after had absorption issues later on down the road and I believe this is where some of the negative stigma comes from. My bariatric surgeon explained it to me many times during my pre-surgical visits. He said that they used to remove the entire stomach when rerouting and now they leave it so that the stomach can continue to secrete certain enzymes to help breakdown certain types of food and aide in absorption. This helps to prevent absorption issues later down the road. Long story short, everyone has their own opinion about gastric bypass surgery and "weight loss surgery" and that is okay. Gastric bypass surgery has saved my life and has given me a second chance at living and I want to share with you what I believe it is and what I believe it is not.

what gastric bypass surgery is not

A quick fix to your weight loss problems. Gastric bypass is an extremely invasive and life altering surgery that sometimes takes months and/or years to get approved for by your surgeon and your insurance company. I personally went through months of testing and screening from multiple disciplines to make sure that I was medically and psychologically ready for this surgery.• The easy way out. I still wake up each day with the decision of what I am going to eat each day for every single meal. I have to make correct choices for my body and for my health, just like everyone else. Sometimes I make the right choices and sometimes I do not. I am human just like everyone else. This has been the most difficult "lifestyle" or "change in my diet" that I have ever made. The fact that my stomach is much smaller does help tremendously in losing weight, but it is not a cure all in keeping weight off forever.• A permanent solution. Over time it is possible to stretch my stomach back out. This is why I am very caution of what I eat and how much I eat. Some people think I am over the top and urge me to eat more, but most everyone in my life is very supportive and trust that I know what I am doing. Over the past 10-15 years, they use the lower portion of the stomach when rerouting and there is very "stretch" in that area. This means it is tougher for gastric bypass patients to stretch their new stomachs but it also means if we overeat, we are more likely to throw up (thank goodness that has not happened to me in almost two years). Right when I am feeling the slightest bit full, I STOP eating.

What gastric bypass surgery is

• A chance to get your life back - if you are willing to work HARD. This surgery was one of the hardest things I have ever been through. I decided that I was going to change my entire life, COMPLETELY. If that meant changing the people I spent time with if they did not support me, I was willing to do that. Luckily, every single person in my life (at home, at work, friends, family, etc) all decided to jump on board and support me during this crazy new life journey.• A real eye opener of who you are surrounded by. I am very blessed to have had a positive support system during this crazy time in my life. Going through something like this is not easy, even when you are surrounded by amazing people. I can not even wrap my head around what it would have been like if I would have been circled around people who were not supportive of the path I took. I chose to sit people down individually and tell them of my choice to have gastric bypass surgery and it worked for me. Everyone reacts differently but I had a 99% positive reaction rate. To this day, those 99% have stuck by my side. Some have cheered me on from afar and I am grateful for everyone who has had a part in my journey. And to those who have people who are not supportive, do not worry, there is always going to be that 1%. Prove them wrong. Show them that you can do it.• A process that messes with your head. Almost two years post gastric bypass surgery, I still go to grab for two sizes bigger than I am. I have no idea why. Maybe I am not wanting to feel disappointed when the size small or medium does not fit. Maybe I am trained to grab a size large or extra large. I'm not 100% sure. But this entire process does kind of mess with your psyche a little bit. Maybe it's the fact that I have lost more weight than what I currently weigh right now. Honestly, I will never know why it does but it does. It is a lot to process and it is not a terrible thing, but something to be mindful of.• One of the best things I have ever done. This surgery has given me my life back in so many ways. I have more energy for my friends and family. I am able to do things that for a short time was unable to do anymore, like run and hike and bike. I can run fast to bed alarms at work! Haha! My health is the best it has ever been. I will never regret making the decision to have this surgery. It has given me my life back.If you are thinking about having gastric bypass surgery and have any questions about the process (pre/post surgery) please reach out to me in the email box below.   


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